Description :

The world has been destroyed by a gigantic flood, one that no one was prepared to face. Using the limited resources you have, try to rebuild civilization. But be aware that your city must be built to scale with your population!

A chill and relaxing game inspired by Tricky Towers, with a resource management twist added. Try to beat us and your friends on the scoreboard!

The goal of the game is to build a city in a tetris like fashion, block grows bigger and bigger, they scale up. It's also a zeugma because you have to build your city to scale with your population.

Roles :

Développeur - Graphiste 2D
Jeremy "Dratak" Lenoir
Sound Designer
Maxime "Crafteurmax" Sansané Développeur - UI Designer - Graphiste 2D

Controls : 

  •    Move the camera with arrows
  •    Move the block left/right with q/d
  •    Rotate the block left/right with a/e
  •    Drop the block faster with s
  •    Move the block faster by holding z
  •    Chose a card by pressing the corresponding number, press a second time to comfirm

-- Wood, Wool, and Compost Factory need 5 people to work. They produce 1 ressource each turn

-- One wheat can feed 5 people. They will not work otherwise

-- A field produces as much wheat as you can see visually

-- the population of a house is equal to the number of cubes that make up the house

Made with <3 by all of us for the GMTK game 2024 jam.

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