A downloadable game

Description :

You wake up in a dark and messy room... Who are you? What are you doing here? What the hell is going on? Something is wrong, you can feel it, you try to escape by opening the only door you can find *Boom*, an explosion ...

You wake up in a dark and messy room... Who are you? What are you doing here? What the hell is going on? Something is wrong, you can feel it, haven't you seen this already? You're alone in this room, but someone seems to help you indirectly... You try to escape by opening the only door you can find *Boom*, an explosion ...

You wake up in a dark and messy room... Who are you? What are you doing here? What the hell is going on? Something is wrong, you can feel it, you try to punch the door, pick the lock, scream for help, your only hope seems to be this old computer... You try to escape by opening the only door you can find *Boom*, an explosion ...


Roles :

Maxime "Crafteurmax" Sansané
Project manager, Game designer, Developer
Paul-Emmanuel "Oyapum" Pujas
Gaston "VoHeLi" Rouquette
Chloé Hermier
Graphiste, Developer
Thomas "M2G" Schneider
UX designer, Developer


Description :

This game was done for a school project, the goal is to make you learn bash in a fun and interactive way. If you want to learn more about the project and how we created it you can read our GDD (in french) here : [Game Design Document]


Installation :

To play the game on Windows you need to have Git Bash on your computer, you can install it here : [Git for Windows]

To play on Linux (only tested on Ubuntu) you don't have to do any more installation :)


BashINTime.zip 45 MB

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